Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Damned Disease part 4 (#45)

Help me! Please a savior is all I need to rescue me from this pit of darkness that is clawing at my soul. The vast depths of eternity are spread at my feet. Lurking around each corner is a new darker entity waiting, watching me with hollow stones. Waiting for the time when the disease spreads through my veins and tears me apart. I once was strong but now my resolve is slipping. I'm crumbling, cracked and frayed with stress and pain. It has wormed its way into my dreams, trapping me in a never-ending cycle of torture and pain. Oh please help me! Suffocating, tormenting, raping my mind of all pure thoughts and replacing them with dark destructive images. The very air which I breathe is laced with the poison that is love. It's all around me threatening to envelope my being, taunting me with images that strike my already beaten heart with 1000 knives of hot raging fury. The flames of hell lick at my flesh and the devil laughs in my face, his putrid breath invades my throat, choking me until I feel the darkness pulling me down, swallowing me until I can not fight anymore. What have I become?

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