Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18

Frustration rising to a rolling boil
bubbling under the surface of the perfect student
scalding steam escapes through exasperated sighs
tap tap tapping fingers... biting lips, click click clicking pens
seemingly omniscient teacher: the cause of my discomfort
the bane of my existence, the dreary overcast sky over my perfect day.

monotone monologues, lectures, disrespect and condescension
insipid and devoid of all interest, lethargic contemplation
and musing: just how incompetent does he think I am?
am I to be subdued, repressed, like this and just accept it?
will there really be no repercussions for his actions?
how much will everyone care if he were to... disappear...
rejoice we would, rejoice we would...

his cruel subjugation of me continues
I snap out of my reverie
the minute hand moves to the fated hour
I walk away, escaping once more

only to return again

unable to stay away

I return once more

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