Sunday, June 10, 2012

Disrobed: Decoding a Ritual. An Inside Look Into What Happens Before You Knock on the Door.

         The alarm rings at 6:30 a.m., an unwelcome disturbance into the brief respite that is my sleep. Slipping out of the warm comfort of my bed, goosebumps break out on my thighs when my bare feet hit the unexpectedly cold tile floor. I open the blinds to the first welcoming rays of a purple and orange sunrise and, as the warmth washes over my goosebump-y skin, I marvel at the joy of living alone in my room. Having slept in the nude for the past few years, I fear that a roommate who is more conservative than me would complicate matters and make me feel oddly uncomfortable for being comfortable with myself. 

          A roommate would turn the comfort and natural sensuality of nudity into the embarrassing and improper sexual side of nakedness. I am comfortable with my body, a feat that many humans never accomplish. I like my strong muscular thighs and I love my “ethnic” behind. I marvel at the strength and grace of my bare back, reminding me of a lion stalking her prey when I swim or crawl. I enjoy the way my abs look from a certain angle and it amuses me that my chest bounces when I use stairs. Is this a crime? Sometimes, society makes me think so.

          Walking to my closet, I groan and resign myself to the necessary evil that is clothes. It isn’t that I think clothes are constricting or uncomfortable. Clothes do not make me sweaty. Nor do clothes limit my mobility. I am smart enough to buy comfortable clothes that look good on me. Clothes are also a definite symbol of status, ideals, economic status, level of conservativeness, etc. Take your pick. Indeed, clothes are a terrifying societal concept but those are not my reasons for preferring a more natural state. 

         You may ask, then, "why are you naked all the time?" Well, I’m glad you ask. I choose to not wear clothes because it reflects my inner personality and freedom. Because my skin is soft and feminine - with an appealing tan tone. Because each scar and “abnormality” tells a story of how I became who I am. Because the sporty broadness of my swimmer-shoulders contradicts the feminine fragility of a bare shoulder. Because although my body may not be perfect, it is mine and this is my freedom. I am not a perfect person, but I am free and a free-spirit.

          Another groan and I choose my clothes. Red cotton underpants and a more red bra. The strap will dig into my left shoulder for the duration of the day like the strap of a heavy backpack, weighing me down with the knowledge I’m expected to retain. I love the color red because it complements my skin tone; because it is a passionate and stereotypically Latin-American color; because it makes me happy. Comfortable jeans that make my behind look better than usual and a figure-fitting red shirt. I am not uncomfortable, but I would prefer not to be wearing anything as I sojourn out of my room and traverse through a day of classes, lab, meetings, rehearsals, and meals. Walking from class to class, I shift uncomfortably under the weight of my clothes as I shift uncomfortably under the weight of the day’s responsibilities. I need to learn to say “no.” The hours crawl by and as the day passes from cool morning to sweltering afternoon of Columbia's freak weather, I lose items of clothing. Jeans become shorts and sneakers become flip flops. Baby-steps to inner comfort.

          When the clock strikes 8 p.m., I walk back into my oasis for the first time since I left in the morning. I drop my backpack and textbooks onto my bed. Flip=slops are kicked off in glee. I drop my shorts and shirt onto the floor. Freedom. The freedom to be happy, healthy, active, productive, sane, social, bold, unashamed, and alive. Freedom to speak, think, act, sing, write, and move however I want. I am not a sex-crazed megalomaniac - I am not what society portrays “nudists” to be. I am just comfortable. Sitting in my windowsill (and on top of my desk), I bask in the glow and warmth of a red sunset while the left bra strap falls off my weary shoulder. A quick snap of the wrist and a flourish of the hand - I am free of this feminine confine. The stress of the day melts off my shoulders as the last red bra strap caresses the curve of my shoulder, past the telltale Hispanic scar from a tuberculosis vaccine.The pressure to be the responsible and intelligent woman I am expected to be washed away as the red cotton glides past the warm and sensitive flesh behind my knee, touching a small scar from a soccer game in my youth. Finally comfortable in my own skin, I lay my head upon my slightly scarred knees and hug myself, enjoying the pliable softness of my cheek against the roundness of my knees. Five minutes of calm and peace, indulging in the warm caress of the sun, before attempting the looming mountain of homework.

          With the blare of a siren and the shot of a gun, I climb off my desk and settle into my seat. The soft blue cushion cradles my skin and the cotton fabric is a welcome hug. I open a textbook on my desk, feeling the sleek white pages on my forearms when I turn the page, and hold a pencil firmly in my hand as I plow through unchallenging problems. As I think, I trace my right collar bone with the tip of the pencil, enjoying the sensation of hard plastic gliding along the smooth bone towards the left collar bone. Moving on to writing in my journal, I repeat the same thinking-and-tracing movements unaware that I am marking myself with the dark blue ink that is staining my fingertips and wrists. The sun has dropped below the trees and has taken away the warmth and light. Before I shiver, I stand up to turn on the light, giggling at the unexpected cold tiles hitting my bare and sensitive feet. I walk across the floor, smiling as the silky bedsheets brush against the smooth skin of my thighs. Were I wearing clothes, I would never have felt them. 

          The light flickers on as the opening strains of a chord emanate from my computer. The initial vocalizations are lifted into the air and I snap my head toward the music. I find myself lost and twirling in small pirouettes and pas de bouree across the floor - unaware of my surroundings. I arch my back in a small chasse and turn to look at my slim left arm extending and stretching to an end - fragile and nimble fingers twirl slowly. Suddenly, as my pinky finishes that slow flicker, I twirl and extend both arms - leaning to my left with a sudden passion taking over me. Serenity in my face as I lean to my right arm, slowly, tenderly, with abandon. Until a knock is heard at the door. My peace has been breached and I am pulled back to reality. I’ve been dancing in the nude again.

          Scrambling for my plush blue robe, I fasten it quickly and hastily cover myself as I ask “who is it?” Persistent knocking and a mumbled name reveal a friend, all too familiar with my nudity. She sits on my bed and asks homework questions, never once flinching at the sight of a bare curved shoulder when my robe slips because I did not do a good job of tying it ... again. The robe-to-skin contacts is like a lover’s tender caress and with every move, there is a new and soft sensation unknown to anyone but me. When I sit on the bed next to her, she does not move away when the warm flesh of my legs peeps through the slit in the robe and touches her own cotton-polyester blend covered leg. There is no disgust or shame. She accepts me for everything that I am and she has learned that there need not be a correlation between nudity and sex, but I am glad when she leaves and I can return my robe to the closet. Where all clothes belong.

          As the stars rise and the lullaby of Columbia’s sirens sing me to sleep, I put away my school books and gladly climb into the cocoon of silk sheets. Enveloped in the ocean of blankets, I marvel at the freedom to feel the silk wrap around my legs and touch me so subtly it almost tickles. Were I wearing pajamas, this phenomenon would never occur. As I drift off to sleep in the sea of silk, I slowly extend my legs and then bring them to a fetal position. Purposefully searching for skin-to-sheet contact. My eyes close and I am happy to be free.

          To be repeated again tomorrow.

Para Mi Papi

Margarita está linda la mar, y el viento
Lleva esencia sutil de azahar; yo siento
En el alma una alondra cantar; tu acento.
Margarita, te voy a contar un cuento:

Tú me leías a mi, tu vos una canción sonora
Tan dulce; esas memorias, como un cariño 
De esos días pasados, cuando yo era chiquita,
Cuando yo cabía en un solo brazo tuyo,
Cuando tus camisas eran mis vestidos de angelita.
Am I still your little angel? 

Tu me cuidabas, me enseñastes a correr
Y cocinar cuando no alcanzaba la cocina; 
Me enseñastes a ser una rockera, 
Zombie, ratoncita, y payasa - pero no
Solamente en Halloween.
Thank you for teaching me that it's ok to be me.

Me ayudaste a ser mejor nadadora,
Ganando premios por ser la mejor - 
Porque soy la hija de el mejor.
Estuvistes a mi lado cuando quería
Nado sincronizado, teclado, o danza.
I appreciate everything you did for me.

Tu silbido, una llamada de tu corazón
Hasta el mio. Mi silbido, una respuesta.
El silbido de tu familia, una llamada
Para los hermanos y primos tremendos-
Demasiados para llamarlos por nombre. 

En las tienda, la playa, el Italo, y la casa - 
Si yo me perdía, tu silbido me salvaba.

Te fuiste por un  año. Te extrañe,
No sabia porque te fuiste, quería
Que me llevaras contigo.
Tu silbido desapareció.
Now I understand why you left us.

Una reunión dulce y rara: un silbido
En el aeropuerto, tú regresaste
Para decirnos que nos íbamos -
Todos. A los Estados Unidos, con
Maletas y cajas- ¿y pero todos mis recuerdos?
I understand now why we left.

Estábamos juntos pero trabajabas
Muchas horas: te ibas cuando yo
Aun no despertaba y regresabas
Cuando yo me había ido a dormir.
I missed you when you weren't there.

Años pasaron así - tu trabajando 
Pero siempre haciendo tiempo
Para estar con nosotros en los días
Importantes. No te vi por mucho tiempo.
I missed you when you weren't there.

¿Otra mudanza? ¿A otra ciudad extraña? 
¿Tengo que hacer nuevos amigos otra vez?
Pero este es un condado más seguro
Y tiene las escuelas mejores - yo ayude. 
I felt like a grown-up by helping to decide.

This new school was different:
I was afraid of the unfriendly white faces,
The pale demons that haunted me.
I didn't share very much with you then-
I thought I could handle it all.

I lied in English because that was all I knew.
I thought I was the top dog - the one who
Spoke the superior language and won.
But I lost so much during those years.
I thank you for never losing faith.

Then I started to work with you, side-by-side: 
A daddy-daughter team that spoke
More often in their own Spanglish
Rather than English or Spanish.
Working with you gave me the character I lacked.

Un silbido desde el burro, desde el otro lado
De fence, o una piscina - un silbido-
Ancla de la relación de padre e hija.
Un silbido preguntando por ayuda con
Las herramientas, el bicho ese, esa cosa.

Buscando, jugando, silbando.
Un silbido para montarme en el carro,
Nos vamos a "lunchear." ¿Que comemos?
¿5 Guys o Firehouse? Firehouse. Cantando
En el carro "¿tu quieres una manzana?"
Y "hey momma hey momma hey momma hey"

Nuestro mundo de piscinas y almuerzos,
De escuela, natación, y "yo quiero Taco Bell,"
De peleas  sobre falta de comunicación
Resueltas por comunicación y lágrimas -
Nuestro mundo de abrazos y cariños - 

Todo nuestro mundo anidado en los brazos
De un silbido buscando y un silbido en respuesta.
Cuando perdí mi cabeza, mi lugar en el mundo,
El silbido me ayudo a regresar a casa.
A nuestro mundo de música y amor.

Llego un muchacho a nuestro mundo,
Intruder, he worked his way into my heart
Y note que tú tenías miedo.
Nadie te remplazará en mi corazón,
Yo siempre seré tu bebe.

El muchacho es casi parte de la familia, y pronto
Dos familias van a ser una. Yo
También tengo miedo, todavía
Soy una bebe. A baby who needs
Daddy to help her grow up.

Siguieron pasando los años, 
Chipi, y me tuve que ir.
Más de doscientas millas de separación;
Demasiadas millas para un silbido
Pero tu me enseñastes a ser fuerte.
Your little girl went to college a strong woman.

Dos años son suficiente tiempo
Para que cambie el mundo
Nuestro, para que yo aprenda
Sobre el mundo que aun no conozco.
Tu me enseñastes lo que tu aprendistes,
Will I teach you what I've learned?

El tiempo nos paso, Daddy, yo crecí.
Tus camisas no pueden ser mis vestidos de angelita,
Tu silbido no me puede alcanzar todo el tiempo,
Pero tus llamadas y tu amor me alcanzan.
Chipi, Daddy, Loco, papi, I love you.

Estoy creciendo muy rápido,
Hay días que me da miedo,
No se adonde va mi futuro,
Pero tengo fe porque tú eres fuerte.

Mientras voy creciendo, no quiero y temo
Perder el poder de oír
El silbido que me mantiene
Atada a nuestro mundo y
Libre para volar con Juan Salvador.

Adulta, madura, con trabajo,
Niños, casa, y un perrito.
Un edifico no es casa sin un perro,
Tu me enseñastes, papi.
Este es el futuro que yo veo de vez en cuando.
What do you see?

El futuro en que escribo, canto,
Bailo - disfrutando la vida.
El futuro en que veo el mundo:
Los países, las personas, y sus bellezas.
Did you see, for you, what I see for me?

 El futuro como lo veo:
Abrazos, amor, felicidad,
Comida, música, y familia.
Un papi abrazando un bebe
Que cabe en un solo brazo,
Que usa camisas como vestido.
We will whistle for another little angel.

Yo silbare cuando se pierda
En la playa o en la tienda.
Cantare y bailare en el carro.
Le contare cuentos sobre Chipis y burros.
I will never forget to tell and write stories. 

Te dejo con un cuento, el cuento nuestro, 
Even if we don't read it anymore, it's ours.
Cuando lo oigo, me acuerdo de tus lecciones y tu amor.
I hope when you hear it, you know how much I love you.
Gracias por escuchar mi cuento. 

Margarita, está linda la mar, y el viento
Lleva esencia sutil de azahar: tu aliento.
Ya que lejos de mí vas a estar,
Guarda, niña, un gentil pensamiento
Al que un día te quiso contar un cuento.

Sleep Eludes Me... Thanks to My Sister

I am a writer. I cannot be anything else. How do I know? Because after being so unceremoniously awakened at 3 a.m. by my sister and becoming so alertly awake so as not to be able to sleep, I can only take solace in writing.

I tried not to but I couldn't help it. I lay in bed, intensely contemplating the swirls and tree rings of the honey brown wooden slats that hold up my sister's mattress above my head and wondering when they would cave in on me; I tried not to think of writing material or begin writing in my head, but it happened anyways.

My sister has gone back to sleep so I cannot turn on a light to use a pen and paper even though I desperately wish to stain my wrists with ink again over a new writing topic (because I am so considerate that I do not wish to wake her up as rudely as she did me); therefore I was forced to open my laptop and begin writing.

I wrote about my mother and menopause because I've wanted to for weeks and I've written about my father and my sister. It's only fair that it should be my mother's turn now. Next I shall write about my brother, my dog, my boyfriend, my friends (not in that order).... eventually about myself. But we all know that through all my other writing, I paint a portrait of myself anyways.

Now I find myself further awake to the point of being energetic. Any attempts to return to any state of slumber would be frustratingly in vain. I tried reading and exercise, which only served to further wake me up. I tried warm milk and tea, which only served to send me into the darkness of the hallway to fumble for the bathroom door.

I keep writing past 5 a.m. and wish someone else was awake. As much as I love writing, I want interaction with people. I want a conversation. Which is difficult at 5 a.m. because "decent" people are sleeping and I don't want to be that friend who wakes up with the following text: "hey, are you awake?" I can only imagine the response: "Well I (inser expletive here) am now." I am not the kind of person who thinks my friends should suffer with me through being awake. I shall enjoy my peaceful solitude and simply be awake.

So awake that I've stopped listening to music in favor of listening to the sprinkling pattern of rain against my window. Because the rain is clean and pure ... or as pure and clean as Georgia's acidic rain can get. Because the rain's song is almost as beautiful as Rufus Wainwright's "Hallelujah." I lean my head against the cool glass surface of the window, humming Mr. Wainwright's song in beat to the rain, peering into the darkness and trying to make out something. Funny how dark it is an hour before sunrise. An hour before sunset doesn't look to different than the sunset itself, in terms of brightness or darkness.

Speaking of sunrise, I believe I might just be awake to see my first sunrise of the summer. I haven't indulged in the simple pleasure of a sunrise for months or even years, because I'm normally asleep or I wake up for school or work, go shower and dress, and by the time I'm fully awake, the sun has risen. So I've decided to indulge in one of the simple pleasures of life.


"The doctor put me on a hormone regimen. I'm apparently going through menopause ... or pre-menopause," my mother flatly stated.

A fact - apparently it's a fact now, she said it.

She didn't whisper its name like an unwanted disease rearing it ugly head from the shadows of an unknown future no woman desires.

She didn't force it out through clenched jaws like a threat.

She didn't disguise it with nicknames or refuse to say it like a toddler refusing to accept the truth.

No longer is that word a fear of the future, full of foreboding, no... 

No, now it's just a fact.

She is no longer the younger woman I remember, the one I left two years ago, the one who did everything in her power to keep menopause at bay: creams, serums, exercise, teas, lotions,  herbal drinks, exotic foods, etc...

No. She is older.

She is the lady who worries about coloring her graying hair because she is ashamed of the loss of pigmentation. Because it doesn't look pretty, she says.

She is the one who worries about dressing "her age" because she is worried about the "pooch" of fat over her abdomen, her diminished bosom, and the sagging muscles in her "buns and thighs." Because women my age shouldn't show too much, she says.

She is the person who frets over her slowed metabolism and the difficulty of keeping her figure that she never had before so she exercises daily (or more often) - because she finds it difficult to maintain a constant weight and a toned body. Because I need something to fill up my time at home, she says.

She is the mama who exercises, gardens, cleans, cooks, reads, and surfs the internet to fill time because her children are growing up and do not need her in the same time-consuming way. Because I like it, she says.

She is the mom who needs coffee to fully wake up and needs more coffee than she used to in order to wake her up because, like any addiction, you need more and more of the substance to get the same high as time goes on. Because I like how it tastes and it helps me wake up, she says.

She is the woman who needs reading glasses over her contacts because her eyesight is diminishing as the years go by and her contact lens prescription cannot fix her trouble reading fine print, nutrition facts on food, and books. Because I don't want to go to the doctor again, she says.

She is going to go through menopause.

She is saying the word.

She is ... older ... older than I am prepared to accommodate.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Sister

Yesterday and today, I bonded with my sister. She asked me to do her hair, she asked me to watch Glee with her. I asked her to read a funny blog I found, I asked her to watch So You Think You Can Dance with me. For the first time in years, I finally felt like we have things in common and that she is growing up ... that she's going to be ok.

For years I have worried that our age difference was too much and that we would never have anything in common and we would never have a working relationship. I see now that the difference between 13 and 19 is a lot smaller than the difference between 10 and 16. For years I have worried that her attitude problems and that her personality would keep her from having friends and keep increasing the distance between us. However, the past two years that I have been away at college have helped my sister grow in terms of maturity and she is a much more relatable character now (even if I still see her as a giant ball of energy with a giant mass of hair always launching itself at me).

Her talent and thirst for the spotlight never cease to amaze me. The girl has joined a performance troop and is rehearsing to put on "9 to 5 the musical," she is taking first place ribbons at swim meets, she is taking piano lessons, and she is taking up karate later this summer. I am impressed at her desire and her talent - the self-confidence it takes to stand up on a stage and bare yourself for criticism is daunting. Three years ago, and even some days now, I would not be able to say that she had the confidence to do so ... but only because she has never had the confidence to be herself off the stage... until now.

For years, she hid behind her fluffed-up afro curtains of ebony hair because of her social awkwardness. I recognized it as my own, but always noted how different it was. While I was almost pathologically desperate to overcome my social awkwardness and learn how to function well in society (without losing my sense of self), my sister seemed almost pathologically determined to remain obstinately socially awkward and dysfunctional. So she hid behind her hair, frumpy clothes, bad jokes, and her over-exuberant personality that she used to try to attract friends...and ended up alienating everyone instead because she was just way too over the top.

Even though she is still the crazy, extremely-energetic, semi-annoying, inquisitive, loving, talkative, super-talented, curious, sometimes-too-empathetic, trusting, naive (in a good way), outgoing, brown-eyed girl with the giant fluff ball of ebony hair .... she is changing.

Now, she's discovered that she can be herself without exaggerating everything and she  pulls her hair back in a ponytail so people can see her face, so she can sing better in chorus, so that the audience can see her when she acts with the drama club's productions. She dresses like she wants, comfortably and age-appropriate. Thankfully, that does not mean "slutty" to her (and it also doesn't mean "pink" anymore, she has discovered other colors of clothes). She found reliable friends who accept her and don't try to change her - friends who are really her friends.

I'm happy that she's decided I am one of those friends, someone she can spend time with and share life's joys with, because I want to be a good friend. A friend who will do her hair and teach her funny dives off the diving board and appreciate her talents and share her passions and teach her about life/love/laughter/WWII/cooking/poetry/etiquette/good books  and dance to silly songs in the kitchen while making ice cream sundaes.

She is growing up, both physically and mentally, and I can't believe I'm here to witness these changes. I know they happen (as they happened to me and every other adult on this planet ....well not all of them, some people are still immature preteen boys), but I was not prepared to see my sister in a bikini - let alone hear her say that the bikini is too immodest and she does not feel comfortable showing so much skin and that it did not cover her butt. Funny. Also funnier still that she said this while clutching the straps of the bikini top in fear of "falling out."

So she switched into a one-piece and we watched an episode of How I Met Your Mother. The one where I explained awkward sex jokes to my sister ... so basically every episode ...and every joke. But it's ok, because one day she won't ask things like "I forget, what is the difference between an aneurysm and a orgasm?"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Clothing - a staple of civilization and culture.
Nudism - taboo in most societies and cities.
Comfort - not adhering to fashion's rules:

Lounging in the softness of my robe and...
Nothing more. Writing and delighting
In the sheer softness of skin - and a robe discarded.

Curtains and blinds left open, night and day,
Evolution of a safe haven, a zone critique-free
Where my larger-than-your-average-size-00-model

Thighs can ripple all they want out of the confines of
Tight jeans and constricting clothes no longer
Shove my ample-enough-for-me bosom

Into concealing cages of lace and cotton.
I think I can learn to be comfortable in my own skin.

(Janury 19th, 2011)

A Cruel Mistress

Love - She's not an easy mistress:
She scorns, She scars,
She gives much stress.

A lover oft seen, are they loved
As a lover seldom seen?
No and yes:

For a lover seldom seen is
Missed - painfully, heart-wrenchingly -
So that when reunions happen,

Their love is rekindled, as if new,
Stronger because of the pains and scars
Now healed, stronger lovers reunite.

Love - She hurts while pleasuring,
She takes pleasure in pain of
Us being apart once more without

Comforting glances or loving caresses
In times of sorrow or need, none,
But think of the joy of seeing you,

As if for the first time again
When Time, Fate, and Love
(The cruel mistresses)
Allow our love once more.

death of a parent

today I realized my father is not invincible
today I realized my father is aging
today I realized I will outlive my father

death is imminent and his health is deteriorating
his memory no longer sharp but he is only forty-two
his weight is catching up to him
he lays in bed or on the couch, propped up on pillows
heating pads and ice packs strapped on
trouble sleeping, trouble staying awake - because of the pain

his knees buckle under the belly he can't seem to lose
frustration and sadness,
all written or splattered across his eyes
he is not lazy, he is in pain, too much pain

the danger of too many pills
the danger of exercise that will strain him
he cannot exercise until he loses the weight
but to lose weight he needs to exercise
he needs to work but his pain won't let him
I must work, Gabriel must work, I must work

he is depressed by this prognosis: evident in
his ever-present anger - always waiting to be baited -
the self-pity and the guilt and the worry

death, or something like it, lurks by the door
will it knock? will it break down the door?
will the pain ever be too much? will the pills?
afraid of losing control, he struggles with every step
to remain in control so he slows down, calculates,
will my father answer the door or cower from it?
will he open a window and win some time?
will he escape long enough?

the death of a parent is an expected one
a death we as their children should be prepared for
parents are old, they might get sick, and then they die
but not like this, not pain, not so early, not incapacitation
not loss of life's quality
the death of a parent is a dreaded one

today I saw my father struggle to sit or stand
today I saw my father struggle to use the stairs or walk
today I saw my father collapse of exhaustion
today I saw my father use a cane